Tutorials > Gadgets > The ViewFile Application: Building a Simple File Browser
The ViewFile Application: Building a Simple File Browser
This tutorial shows you how to create the ViewFile application using the Views Gadgets API. The ViewFile application is a small graphical user interface for browsing through a list of files stored on a hard disk.
Note: You can also build the same kind of application using Views Studio, the Views GUI editor.
As you progress through this tutorial, you will learn how to combine many different Views gadgets, such as the tree gadget, the sheet, and the toolbar to produce very graphical and highly intuitive applications. Your final application will include sophisticated features such as docking toolbars and multiple frames.
This tutorial has four steps:
When completed, your application should look like this:
The Final ViewFile Application
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022