Gantt Package API Reference Guide
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CIlvGanttAbstractObjectGantt chart abstract object class
 CIlvGanttAddLinkInteractorInteractor to add links to a Gantt chart
 CIlvGanttAddNodeInteractorInteractor to add nodes to a Gantt chart
 CIlvGanttCalendarGridDynamic grid for Gantt rows in an IlvGanttChart
 CIlvGanttChartRogue Wave Views Gantt chart user interface class
 CIlvGanttChartFormGantt chart form class
 CIlvGanttDragDropInteractorInteractor to drag and drop nodes and subnode
 CIlvGanttGridViewHookGantt chart grid hook class
 CIlvGanttHandleInteractorInteractor to reshape the Gantt chart views
 CIlvGanttHorizontalGridBase class for Gantt chart horizontal grids
 CIlvGanttHorizontalGridImplGantt chart horizontal grid implementation class
 CIlvGanttLineGantt chart line class
 CIlvGanttLineGridHorizontal grid for Gantt lines
 CIlvGanttLineReliefGridHorizontal grid (using relief lines) for Gantt lines
 CIlvGanttLinkGantt chart link class
 CIlvGanttNodeGantt chart node class
 CIlvGanttPanZoomInteractorInteractor to pan and zoom the grapher views of the Gantt chart
 CIlvGanttResourceGridGrid for Gantt lines in an IlvGanttChartForm
 CIlvGanttResourceHeaderGantt chart form resource header class
 CIlvGanttResourceLineGantt chart form resource line class
 CIlvGanttRowGridGrid for Gantt rows in an IlvGanttChart
 CIlvGanttScaleInteractorInteractor to change the time interval of a Gantt scale
 CIlvGanttScrollViewHookGantt chart scroll hook class
 CIlvGanttSelectInteractorInteractor to select and manipulate gantt nodes
 CIlvGanttSubNodeGantt chart subnode class
 CIlvGanttSubNodeHookGantt chart subnode hook class
 CIlvGanttZoomInteractorInteractor to perform zooms on gantt lines