The Role of a Table Object
The primary role of a table object is to manage data. The data is managed in the form of rows of values. But before a table can manage rows, it needs to be properly defined.
The way in which a table object is defined depends on its class. For instance, an IliSQLTable object needs to know its own schema and how this schema relates to the schema of the associated relational database. This contrasts with IliMemoryTable objects that do not need any information other than their own schema.
A table object can be defined either by coding in C++ through the API or interactively by using an appropriate inspector in Views Studio.
Note: In Views Studio, inspectors are only available for the IliSQLTable and IliMemoryTable classes.
Once defined, a table object can be used directly by coding its member functions in C++ to inspect, add to, or modify its rows. However, it is mainly used by being attached to a data source gadget that will manage it on behalf of the end user. A data source gadget will usually have one or more gadgets (such as table gadgets, entry fields, combo boxes, and so on) connected to it.
The Links Between a Data Source and Data-Source-Aware Gadgets and a Table Object
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022