Options > Data Access Getting Started > Setting Up Data Access > Setting Up the Views DB Link Initialization File on Windows
Setting Up the Views DB Link Initialization File on Windows
For Windows XP and Windows Vista, the Views DB Link dynamic loader requires that the Views DB Link initialization file dblink.ini be located:
*In each directory in which Data Access programs are located.
*In the Window system directory.
Initially, the dblink.ini file is installed in the following location:
We recommend copying it from this location to the Windows system directory so that Data Access programs can be run indifferently from any location.
Setting Up Database-Specific Variables
Certain database-related environment variables also need to be set up. Depending on the database you are using, you will need to define environment variables that will enable Data Access to locate your database server. Here are the names of these variables for each supported database.
*Sybase:  SYBASE
For more information, refer to the documentation that comes with your database software.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022