Options > Maps > Map Projections
Map Projections
This chapter introduces you to map projections and explains how to use the Views Maps projection package with your mapping applications.
It covers the following topics:
*Introducing Map Projections gives you an overall picture of map projections.
*Projecting Data: An Example shows how to project geographic data onto a Cartesian coordinate system through an example.
*Projection Methods and Parameters describes the methods available in the map library for projecting data and the related parameters.
*Ellipsoids introduces you to ellipsoids with regard to projections, and explains how to associate a predefined ellipsoid or a specific ellipsoid with a projection.
*Unit Converters describes unit converters.
*Adding Graphic Objects on Top of an Imported Map shows how to import a map into a Views manager and how to add graphic objects to it.
*Creating a New Projection explains how to create a new projection.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022