Options > Maps > Views Maps Reader Framework > Loading Maps into Views > Loading a Map of the Views Format
Loading a Map of the Views Format
Views files (.ilv) can contain various kinds of information. They can contain information from other Viewss packages (Graph Layout, Prototypes) or from Views applications designed by end users. They can also hold cartographic data such as that generated with the Map Builder for example, the projection system of the map, the unit of measurement used, the manager layers containing graphic objects and their attributes, the tiled layers, the layer visibility filters, and so on.
A map in the .ilv format is loaded into a manager of the IlvManager class or one of its subclasses, such as IlvGrapher. These classes are part of the Views manager package.
To load a map of the .ilv format, use the IlvManager::read method as shown below:
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022