Bus Layout
In this section, you will learn about the Bus Layout algorithm from the Views Graph Layout package (class IlvBusLayout from the library ilvbus).
Here is a sample drawing produced with the Bus Layout:
Bus Topology Produced with the Bus Layout using the No Ordering Option
What Types of Graphs?
*Bus network topologies (a set of nodes connected to a bus object)
Application Domains
Application domains of the Bus Layout include:
*Telecom and networking (LAN diagrams)
*Electrical engineering (circuit block diagrams)
*Industrial engineering (equipment/resource control charts)
*Displays bus topologies.
*Takes into account the size of the nodes so that no overlapping occurs.
*Provides several ordering options. The nodes can be arranged on the bus by height, in a user-defined order, or in an arbitrary order.
*Allows easy customization of the dimensional parameters.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022