Fixed Columns
A table gadget can be set so that when you horizontally scroll the table a set number of the columns on the far left side of the table always stay in position. This is useful for columns that contain key information, such as the record name.
To set the columns that will be fixed, you must access the Table Gadget inspector and use the Fixed Column field of the inspector panel to set the number of columns that you require. These are counted from the column the farthest to the left in the table schema. Therefore, you should make sure that the columns that you want fixed are on the left of the data source table.
For example, if you enter 2 in the Fixed Columns field, the two columns farthest to the left in the data source table will always be displayed in the table gadget.
The methods in the API that implement this feature are getFixedColumnsCount and setFixedColumnsCount in the IliTableGadget class. Because this is a direct property of the IliTableGadget class, any other table gadget that is linked to the same data source can have a different number of fixed columns (or no fixed columns at all).
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022