Views Interface
Data Access is an add-on to Views so, therefore, the complete functionality of the Views API is available to users of Data Access. Some Views classes are essential to an application created in Data Access. These are briefly described in this section. For more information, refer to the Views documentation.
Any application that is constructed using Data Access must have an IlvDisplay object before anything else can be created. This object manages all aspects of the communication with the display system (such as drawing primitives, event handling, and so on).
The following code sample shows how a display object can be created:
// --- Display ---
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
IlvDisplay* display = new IlvDisplay(“sample”, ““, argc, argv);
Note that when Views Studio generates source code for your application it will create an IlvApplication object, instead of creating a display object in this way. This application object then creates the display.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022