Data Access is a library dedicated primarily to the development of client-server database applications. These applications generally consist of forms, which contain a set of fields (text fields, check boxes, and so on). The values shown in these fields are the result of a mapping between the fields and the data from an external data system.
The mapping between the fields in the graphical user interface and the external data system is bidirectional: data can be retrieved from the database and displayed in the fields, and can be modified by the user and updated in the external data source for long term storage.
The gadgets that enable you to build the user interface for your application in Data Access are provided by Views. Some of these gadgets are the same as in Views, whereas others have been slightly modified to enable them to connect to an external data source.
Data Access applications can be programmed either in C++ or in Script, a Views implementation of the JavaScript language. This user's manual shows how things can be done in C++.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022