Views Grapher
The Views Grapher is dedicated to the graphic representation of hierarchical and interconnected information. The Grapher is a customizable network editor, displaying nodes and links using any graphic object. Built on top of the Views Manager package, the Grapher goes further, providing predefined links and allowing you to create new kinds of links graphically, using the Views Studio Grapher extension.
Main Grapher Features
Some of the features of the Views Grapher include:
*Link management upon manipulation of nodes.
*Visual definition of links.
*Visual definition of connection points: Visual definition of connection points on a node or on a link.
Endpoint Location When No Connection Pin is Defined
*Rich selection of link types: Customized links, link labels, straight, splined, arc, and free-form polylines; single (unidirectional), double (bidirectional), with automatic or fixed orientations.
*Grapher pin editing: When you define a grapher pin, it remains consistent even if the object is zoomed/unzoomed or rotated (the pin points are referenced to the center of gravity of the object).
The links are attached to the objects with grapher pins, and they remain consistent even if the objects are rotated
Prerequisite Packages: Foundation, Studio, Manager.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022