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IlvColor Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvColor, including all inherited members.

ComputeReliefColors(const IlvColor *reference, IlvColor *&topShade, IlvColor *&bottomShade, IlvColor *&select)IlvColorstatic
getBlue() constIlvColor
getDisplay() constIlvResource
getGreen() constIlvColor
getHSV(IlFloat &hue, IlFloat &saturation, IlFloat &value) constIlvColor
getHue() constIlvColor
getIndex() constIlvColor
getName() constIlvResource
getRed() constIlvColor
getRGB(IlvIntensity &red, IlvIntensity &green, IlvIntensity &blue) constIlvColor
getSaturation() constIlvColor
getValue() constIlvColor
HSVToRGB(IlFloat h, IlFloat s, IlFloat v, IlvIntensity &red, IlvIntensity &green, IlvIntensity &blue)IlvColorstatic
isMutable() constIlvColor
RGBToHSV(IlvIntensity red, IlvIntensity green, IlvIntensity blue, IlFloat &h, IlFloat &s, IlFloat &v)IlvColorstatic
setBlue(IlvIntensity blue)IlvColor
setGreen(IlvIntensity green)IlvColor
setHSV(IlFloat hue, IlFloat saturation, IlFloat value)IlvColor
setHue(IlFloat hue)IlvColor
setName(const char *name)IlvColorvirtual
setRed(IlvIntensity red)IlvColor
setRGB(IlvIntensity red, IlvIntensity green, IlvIntensity blue)IlvColor
setSaturation(IlFloat saturation)IlvColor
setValue(IlFloat value)IlvColor

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