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IlString Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlString, including all inherited members.

caseCompare(const IlString &string, int start1=0, int end1=-1, int start2=0, int end2=-1) constIlString
catenate(const IlString &string, int start=0, int end=-1)IlString
compare(const IlString &string, int start1=0, int end1=-1, int start2=0, int end2=-1) constIlString
copyValue() constIlString
endsWith(const IlString &suffix, int start=0, int end=-1) constIlString
equals(const IlString &string, int start1=0, int end1=-1, int start2=0, int end2=-1) constIlString
getIndexOf(const IlString &subString, int start=0, int subStart=0, int subEnd=-1) constIlString
getLastIndexOf(const IlString &subString, int end=-1, int subStart=0, int subEnd=-1) constIlString
getLength() constIlString
getSize() constIlString
getSubString(int start=0, int end=-1) constIlString
getValue() constIlString
IlString(const char *cstring=0, int length=-1)IlString
IlString(const IlString &string)IlString
IlString(int value, const char *format=DefaultIntegerFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(unsigned int value, const char *format=DefaultUnsignedIntegerFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(short value, const char *format=DefaultShortFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(unsigned short value, const char *format=DefaultUnsignedShortFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(long value, const char *format=DefaultLongFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(unsigned long value, const char *format=DefaultUnsignedLongFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(float value, const char *format=DefaultFloatFormat)IlStringexplicit
IlString(double value, const char *format=DefaultDoubleFormat)IlStringexplicit
insert(const IlString &string, int position=0, int start=0, int end=-1)IlString
isBlank() constIlString
isEmpty() constIlString
matches(const IlString &pattern, int stringStart=0, int stringEnd=-1, int patternStart=0, int patternEnd=-1) constIlString
operator const char *() constIlString
operator!() constIlString
operator!=(const IlString &string) constIlString
operator+=(const IlString &string)IlString
operator<(const IlString &string) constIlString
operator<=(const IlString &string) constIlString
operator=(const IlString &string)IlString
operator==(const IlString &string) constIlString
operator>(const IlString &string) constIlString
operator>=(const IlString &string) constIlString
prepend(const IlString &string, int start=0, int end=-1)IlString
readQuoted(std::istream &istr)IlString
remove(int start=0, int end=-1)IlString
remove(const IlString &removed, int start=0, int end=-1)IlString
replace(const IlString &replacement, int start=0, int end=-1, int subStart=0, int subEnd=-1)IlString
startsWith(const IlString &prefix, int start=0, int end=-1) constIlString
substitute(const IlString &target, const IlString &replacement, int start=0, int end=-1, int targetStart=0, int targetEnd=-1, int replacementStart=0, int replacementEnd=-1)IlString
writeQuoted(std::ostream &ostr) constIlString

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