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This is the complete list of members for IliDataSource, including all inherited members.
addCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGraphic | |
addCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, const IlSymbol *script=0) | IlvGraphic | |
addCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callbackName, IlAny data) | IlvGraphic | |
addClassProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addErrorMessage(const IliErrorMessage &msg) | IliDataSource | |
addErrorMessage(const char *msg) | IliDataSource | |
addErrorSink(IliErrorSink *sink) | IliDataSource | |
addFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | |
AddProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | static |
addTag(const IlSymbol *tag) | IlvGraphic | |
AddToCallbackTypeList(IlUInt &count, const char *const **names, const IlSymbol *const **types, const char *newName, const IlSymbol *newType) | IlvGraphic | static |
AllowZoom(IlBoolean az) | IlvGraphic | static |
apply(IlvApplyObject function, IlAny arg) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
applyAttribute(const char *attributeClassName, IlInt value, IlAny checkData=0) const | IlvGraphic | |
applyAttribute(const char *attributeClassName, IlFloat value, IlAny checkData=0) const | IlvGraphic | |
applyAttribute(const char *attributeClassName, const char *value, IlAny checkData=0) const | IlvGraphic | |
applyQueryMode(IlBoolean interactive=IlFalse) | IliDataSource | |
applyReferences(IlvApplyObject function, IlAny arg) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
applyResources(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, IlvDisplay *=0) | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
applyToFields(IliDataSourceFieldCallback cb, IlAny arg) | IliDataSource | |
callCallback() | IlvGadget | |
callCallbacks(const IlSymbol *callbackType) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
cancel() | IliDataSource | |
CancelEditsSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
cancelQueryMode() | IliDataSource | |
changeValue(const IlvValue &val) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
changeValues(const IlvValue *values, IlUShort count=0) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
ClassInfo() const | IlvGraphic | static |
className() const | IlvGraphic | |
clear() | IliDataSource | |
IlvSimpleGraphic::contains(const IlvPoint &p) const | IlvGraphic | |
copy() const=0 | IlvGraphic | pure virtual |
deleteCurrentRow() | IliDataSource | |
DeleteRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
dontDeleteRow() | IliDataSource | |
dontValidateRow() | IliDataSource | |
IlvSimpleGraphic::draw(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t, const IlvRect *clip) const | IlvGraphic | |
drawBackground(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
drawContents(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
drawFrame(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
enableAutoRowLocking(IlBoolean f) | IliDataSource | |
enableAutoSelect(IlBoolean autoSelect) | IliDataSource | |
enableInsert(IlBoolean enable) | IliDataSource | |
enterGadget() | IlvGadget | virtual |
EnterGadgetSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
EnterInsertModeSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
EnterModifiedStateSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
EnterRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
EnterUpdateModeSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
FetchRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
fitToContents(IlvDirection direction=(IlvDirection)(IlvHorizontal|IlvVertical)) | IlvGadget | virtual |
focusIn() | IlvGadget | virtual |
FocusInSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
focusOut() | IlvGadget | virtual |
FocusOutSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
getAccessors(const IlSymbol *const **, const IlvValueTypeClass *const **, IlUInt &) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getAlpha() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getAntialiasingMode() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getArcMode() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getBackground() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getBitmap() const | IliDataSource | virtual |
getCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType) const | IlvGraphic | |
getCallback() const | IlvGraphic | |
getCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const | IlvGraphic | |
getCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const | IlvGraphic | |
getCallbackName(const IlSymbol *callbackType) const | IlvGraphic | |
getCallbackName() const | IlvGraphic | |
IliDataGem::getCallbackTypes(const char *const **, const IlSymbol *const **) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getChildAt(IlUInt index) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getChildByName(const char *name) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getChildCount() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getChildIndex(const IlvGraphic *object) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getChildren(IlUInt &count) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getClassInfo() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getClassProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkParent=IlFalse) const | IlvGraphic | |
getClientData() const | IlvGraphic | |
getColorPattern() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getColumnsCount() const | IliDataSource | |
getCurrentRow() const | IliDataSource | |
getDefaultInteractor() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getDeletedRow() const | IliDataSource | |
getDisplay() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
getEffectiveTablePropertyManager() const | IliDataSource | |
getEffectiveTablePropertyManager() | IliDataSource | |
getEnterGadgetCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getEnterGadgetCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getErrorReporter() const | IliDataSource | |
getFetchedRow() const | IliDataSource | |
getFillRule() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getFillStyle() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getFocusInCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusInCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusOutCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusOutCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getFont() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getForeground() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getGradientPattern() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getInsensitivePalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getInteractor() const | IlvGraphic | |
getLeaveGadgetCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getLeaveGadgetCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getLineStyle() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getLineWidth() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
getLookFeelHandler() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getLookupStringInputMethod(IlvEvent &event, char *bufferReturn, int bytesBuffer, int *statusReturn) | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
getMode() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getName() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getNamedProperty(const IlSymbol *name) const | IlvGraphic | |
getNextFocusGraphic() const | IlvGraphic | |
getOverwrite() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getPalette() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getPattern() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
getPreviousFocusGraphic() const | IlvGraphic | |
getProperty(const IlSymbol *key) const | IlvGraphic | |
GetProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkSuperClass=IlFalse) | IlvGraphic | static |
getRowsCount() const | IliDataSource | |
getSelectionPalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getSelectionTextPalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getSmartSet() const | IlvGraphic | |
getStylableClassName() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getStylableDisplay() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getStylableName() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getStylableTags(IlUInt &) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getStylist() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getTable() const | IliDataSource | |
getTable() | IliDataSource | |
getTablePropertyManagerName() const | IliDataSource | |
getTags(IlUInt &count) const | IlvGraphic | |
getThickness() const | IlvGadget | |
getTransformer() const | IlvGadget | |
getValue(IlInt colno) const | IliDataSource | |
getValue(IliName colname) const | IliDataSource | |
gotoFirst() | IliDataSource | |
gotoLast() | IliDataSource | |
gotoNext() | IliDataSource | |
gotoPrevious() | IliDataSource | |
gotoRow(IlInt rowno) | IliDataSource | |
h() const | IlvGraphic | |
h(IlvDim h) | IlvGraphic | |
handleEvent(IlvEvent &event) | IlvGadget | virtual |
hasCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const | IlvGraphic | |
hasCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const | IlvGraphic | |
hasCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) const | IlvGraphic | |
hasCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) const | IlvGraphic | |
hasClassProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean s=IlFalse) const | IlvGraphic | |
hasGlobalScope() const | IliDataGem | |
hasProperty(const IlSymbol *key) const | IlvGraphic | |
HasProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean checkSuperClass=IlFalse) | IlvGraphic | static |
hasTag(const IlSymbol *tag) const | IlvGraphic | |
IliDataGem(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &at, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IliDataGem | protected |
IliDataSource(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &at, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IliDataSource | |
IlvGadget(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=2, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvGadget | |
IlvSimpleGraphic(IlvDisplay *display, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvSimpleGraphic | |
IlvStylable() | IlvStylable | |
IlvGadget::inside(const IlvRect &r, const IlvRect &tr, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvGraphic | |
IlvGadget::inside(const IlvRect &r) const | IlvGraphic | |
IlvGadget::intersects(const IlvRect &r, const IlvRect &tr, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvGraphic | |
IlvGadget::intersects(const IlvRect &r) const | IlvGraphic | |
invert(IlBoolean=IlFalse) | IlvGadget | virtual |
isActive() const | IlvGadget | |
isAutoRowLockingEnabled() const | IliDataSource | |
isAutoSelectEnabled() const | IliDataSource | |
isCurrentRowNull() const | IliDataSource | |
isEditable() const | IliDataSource | |
isFirstFocusGraphic() const | IlvGraphic | |
isFocusable() const | IlvGraphic | |
isInputModified() const | IliDataSource | |
isInQueryMode() const | IliDataSource | |
isInsertEnabled() const | IliDataSource | |
isInSmartSet() const | IlvGraphic | |
isInverted() const | IlvGadget | |
isLastFocusGraphic() const | IlvGraphic | |
isOnInsertRow() const | IliDataSource | |
isQueryModeSupported() const | IliDataSource | |
isReadOnly() const | IliDataSource | |
isSensitive() const | IlvGraphic | |
isShowingFrame() const | IlvGadget | |
isSubtypeOf(const char *parentClass) const | IlvGraphic | |
isSubtypeOf(const IlvClassInfo *classInfo) const | IlvGraphic | |
isSystemUsage() const | IliDataGem | |
isTransparent() const | IlvGadget | |
isUsingTableProperties() const | IliDataSource | |
IsZoomAllowed() | IlvGraphic | static |
leaveGadget() | IlvGadget | virtual |
LeaveGadgetSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
move(IlvPos x, IlvPos y) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
move(const IlvPoint &p) | IlvGraphic | |
moveResize(const IlvRect &size) | IlvGraphic | |
needsInputContext() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
onCancelEdits() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onDeleteRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onEnterInsertMode() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onEnterModifiedState() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onEnterRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onEnterUpdateMode() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onFetchRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onPrepareDeleteRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onPrepareInsert() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onPrepareUpdate() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onQuitInsertMode() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onQuitRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onQuitUpdateMode() | IliDataSource | virtual |
onValidateRow() | IliDataSource | virtual |
PrepareDeleteRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
PrepareInsertSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
PrepareUpdateSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
print(std::ostream &out, int level=0) const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
queryValues(IlvValue *values, IlUShort count) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
QuitInsertModeSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
QuitRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
QuitUpdateModeSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
read(IlvInputFile &file, IlvPalette *palette) | IlvGraphic | static |
reDraw() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
refreshAndLockCurrentRow(IlBoolean keepChanges=IlFalse) | IliDataSource | |
refreshCurrentRow(IlBoolean keepChanges=IlFalse) | IliDataSource | |
registerInputMethod() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
removeCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGraphic | |
removeCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGraphic | |
removeClassProperty(const IlSymbol *key) | IlvGraphic | |
removeErrorSink(IliErrorSink *sink) | IliDataSource | |
removeInteractor() | IlvGraphic | |
removeNamedProperty(IlSymbol *name) | IlvGraphic | |
RemoveProperty(const IlSymbol *key) | IlvGraphic | static |
removeProperty(const IlSymbol *key) | IlvGraphic | |
removeTag(const IlSymbol *tag) | IlvGraphic | |
replaceClassProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | |
ReplaceProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | static |
replaceProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | |
reportErrors(const IliErrorList &errorList) const | IliDataSource | |
resize(IlvDim newW, IlvDim newH) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
rotate(const IlvPoint ¢er, IlFloat angle) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
scale(IlFloat zoomX, IlFloat zoomY) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
select() | IliDataSource | |
setActive(IlBoolean active) | IlvGadget | |
setAlpha(IlvIntensity) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setAntialiasingMode(IlvAntialiasingMode) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setArcMode(IlvArcMode) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setBackground(IlvColor *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, const IlSymbol *script=0) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallback(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callbackName, IlAny data) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny data) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny data) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallbackData(const IlSymbol *callbackType, const IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny data) | IlvGraphic | |
setCallbackName(const IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGraphic | |
setClientData(IlAny clientData) | IlvGraphic | |
setColorPattern(IlvColorPattern *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setErrorReporter(IliErrorReporter *reporter) | IliDataSource | |
setFillRule(IlvFillRule) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setFillStyle(IlvFillStyle) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setFirstFocusGraphic() | IlvGraphic | |
setFocusable(IlBoolean value) | IlvGraphic | |
setFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusValuesInputMethod(IlUShort count, const IlvImValue *values) const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
setFont(IlvFont *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setForeground(IlvColor *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setGlobalScope(IlBoolean) | IliDataSource | virtual |
setGradientPattern(IlvGradientPattern *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
IlvGadget::setHolder(IlvGraphicHolder *holder) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setInteractor(IlvInteractor *inter) | IlvGraphic | |
setInteractor(const char *name) | IlvGraphic | |
setLastFocusGraphic() | IlvGraphic | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setLineStyle(IlvLineStyle *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setLineWidth(IlUShort) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setLookFeelHandler(IlvLookFeelHandler *handler) | IlvGadget | |
setMode(IlvDrawMode) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setNamedProperty(IlvNamedProperty *property) | IlvGraphic | |
setNeedsInputContext(IlBoolean val) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
setNextFocusGraphic(IlSymbol *name) | IlvGraphic | |
setOverwrite(IlBoolean) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setPalette(IlvPalette *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setPattern(IlvPattern *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setPreviousFocusGraphic(IlSymbol *name) | IlvGraphic | |
setProperty(const IlSymbol *key, IlAny value) | IlvGraphic | |
setReadOnly(IlBoolean only) | IliDataSource | |
setSensitive(IlBoolean value) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
setTable(IliTable *table, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue) | IliDataSource | virtual |
setTablePropertyManagerName(const char *name) | IliDataSource | |
setThickness(IlUShort thickness) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setTransparent(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setValue(IlInt colno, const IliValue &value) | IliDataSource | |
setValue(IliName colname, const IliValue &value) | IliDataSource | |
setValueModified(IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag) | IliDataSource | |
setValueModified(IliName colname, IlBoolean flag) | IliDataSource | |
setValuesInputMethod(IlUShort count, const IlvImValue *values) const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
showFrame(IlBoolean show) | IlvGadget | virtual |
startInsert() | IliDataSource | |
switchToQueryMode() | IliDataSource | |
symmetry(IlvDirection axis) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
translate(IlvPos dx, IlvPos dy) | IlvGraphic | virtual |
unRegisterInputMethod() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
unsetFocusInputMethod() const | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
updateLook() | IlvGadget | virtual |
usedBySystem(IlBoolean usage) | IliDataGem | virtual |
useDefaultColors() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
useDefaultSize(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadget | virtual |
usesDefaultButtonKeys() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
usesDefaultSize() const | IlvGadget | |
useTableProperties(IlBoolean flag) | IliDataSource | |
validate(IlBoolean interactive=IlFalse) | IliDataSource | |
ValidateRowSymbol() | IliDataSource | static |
w() const | IlvGraphic | |
w(IlvDim w) | IlvGraphic | |
write(IlvOutputFile &output) const=0 | IlvGraphic | pure virtual |
x() const | IlvGraphic | |
x(IlvPos x) | IlvGraphic | |
y() const | IlvGraphic | |
y(IlvPos y) | IlvGraphic | |
zoomable() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
~IlvSimpleGraphic() | IlvSimpleGraphic | virtual |
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