Saving and Opening Windows
You are now going to start creating the windows for the employdb application. It is a good idea to save your windows periodically as you build them or you may simply want to save the current window while taking a break during this tutorial. To save and reopen your windows, follow the procedures below as you work through the tutorial.
Saving a Window for the First Time
1. Make sure you have already created a
data subdirectory
outside of Data Access in which all the windows will be saved (See
Creating the Application File).
2. In the Main window, choose Save As... from the File menu. 1A file selection dialog box appears.
3. Select the data subdirectory in which you want to save the window.
4. Type the name of the window as filename.ilv. You should use the following names for the windows you will be building when you save them for the first time later in this tutorial:
control.ilv5. Click Save in the dialog box.
The window is saved with the file name you just typed.
Version 6.2.1
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