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This is the complete list of members for IliMapTable, including all inherited members.
addErrorSink(IliErrorSink *sink) | IliTable | |
addHook(IliTableHook *hook) | IliSchema | |
allowColumnMove() const | IliSchema | virtual |
allowRowMove() const | IliTable | virtual |
appendColumn(const char *name, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1) | IliSchema | |
appendParameter(const char *paramName, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1) | IliTable | |
appendRow(IliTableBuffer *tblBuf) | IliTable | |
appendRowInCache(IliTableBuffer *tblBuf) | IliTable | |
applyQueryMode(IliTable *queryTable) | IliTable | virtual |
asDatatype() const | IliSchema | |
at(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
at(IlInt rowno, IliName colname) const | IliTable | |
cellChanged(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
checkConstraints(IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) const | IliTable | virtual |
clearRows() | IliTable | virtual |
copyTable() const | IliTable | |
deleteColumn(IlInt colno) | IliSchema | virtual |
deleteParameter(IlInt paramno) | IliTable | |
deleteRow(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | virtual |
deleteRowInCache(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | virtual |
enableColumnCompletion(IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag) | IliTable | |
endOfBatch() | IliSchema | |
exchangeRows(IlInt rowno1, IlInt rowno2) | IliTable | virtual |
exchangeRowsInCache(IlInt rowno1, IlInt rowno2) | IliTable | virtual |
fetchAll() | IliTable | virtual |
fetchCompleted() const | IliTable | virtual |
fetchNext(IlInt count=1) | IliTable | virtual |
findFirstRow(const IliValue &value, IlInt colno, IlBoolean complete, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1) const | IliTable | |
findRow(const IliValue &value, IlInt colno, IlBoolean complete, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1) const | IliTable | |
GetBooleanMap(IlvDisplay *display) | IliMapTable | static |
getBuffer() | IliTable | |
getColumnAlignment(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnDefault(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnDisplayValue(IlInt colno, const IliValue &value, IliValue &displayValue, IlvGraphicHolder *h=0) | IliTable | |
getColumnDisplayWidth(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnEffectiveForeignTable(IlInt colno, IlvGraphicHolder *h=0) const | IliTable | |
getColumnForeignDataSourceName(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
getColumnForeignDisplayColumn(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
getColumnForeignTable(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
getColumnForeignValueColumn(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
getColumnFormat(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnIndex(const char *name) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnIndex(IlInt token) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnLabel(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnMask(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnMaxLength(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnName(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnsCount() const | IliSchema | |
getColumnTitle(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnToken(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getColumnType(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
getCompareData() const | IliTable | |
getCompareFunction() const | IliTable | |
getDefaultPropertyManager() const | IliTable | |
getDefaultPropertyManager() | IliTable | |
getDisplay() const | IliSchema | |
getElementTypeName() const | IliSchema | |
getGadgetHolder() const | IliTable | |
getNamedPropertyManager(const char *name) const | IliTable | |
getNamedPropertyManagerCount() const | IliTable | |
getNestedSchema(const IliAttributePath &path) const | IliSchema | |
getNestedSchema(const IliAttributePath &path) | IliSchema | |
getParameterColumnName(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterDataSourceName(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterDataSourceValue(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterIndex(const char *name) const | IliTable | |
getParameterMaxLength(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterName(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParametersCount() const | IliTable | |
getParameterType(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterValue(IlInt paramno) const | IliTable | |
getParameterValue(IliName paramName) const | IliTable | |
getProperty(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName, IliValue &propVal) const | IliTable | |
getPropertyCount(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
getPropertyManagerNameAt(IlInt idx) const | IliTable | |
getPropertyNameAt(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, IlInt propIndex) const | IliTable | |
getRefCount() const | IliRefCounted | |
getRowPtr(IlInt rowno=-1) const | IliTable | |
getRowsCount() const | IliMapTable | virtual |
getRowStatus(IlInt rowno) const | IliTable | virtual |
getSchemaName() const | IliSchema | |
getTransactionManager() const | IliTable | |
getTransactionManagerName() const | IliTable | |
getValue(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, IliValue &val) const | IliMapTable | virtual |
hasHook(IliTableHook *hook) const | IliSchema | |
IliMapTable(IlvDisplay *, const IliMapEntry *map, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse) | IliMapTable | |
IliMapTable(const IliMapTable &table) | IliMapTable | |
IliMapTable(IlvDisplay *display, IL_STDPREF istream &input) | IliMapTable | |
IliSchema(IlvDisplay *display) | IliSchema | |
IliSchema(const IliSchema &) | IliSchema | |
IliSchema(IlvDisplay *display, IL_STDPREF istream &input) | IliSchema | |
insertColumn(IlInt colno, const char *colname, const IliDatatype *type, IlInt maxlen=-1) | IliSchema | virtual |
insertRow(IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) | IliTable | virtual |
insertRowInCache(IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) | IliTable | virtual |
insertRowsFrom(const IliTable *src, IlInt srcFromRow=0, IlInt srcToRow=-1, IlBoolean stopAtFirstError=IlTrue, IlInt insertAt=-1) | IliTable | virtual |
isACollection() const | IliSchema | |
isASimpleCollection() const | IliSchema | |
isColumnCompletionEnabled(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
isColumnNullable(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
isColumnPartOfKey(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
isColumnReadOnly(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
isColumnValueConstrained(IlInt colno) const | IliTable | |
isColumnVisible(IlInt colno) const | IliSchema | |
isLanguageSensitive() const | IliMapTable | |
isModified() const | IliTable | |
isPrimaryKeyDefined() const | IliSchema | |
isQueryModeSupported() const | IliTable | virtual |
isReadOnly() const | IliTable | |
isSelectDone() const | IliTable | virtual |
lock() const | IliRefCounted | |
makeQueryTable() const | IliTable | virtual |
moveColumn(IlInt from, IlInt to) | IliSchema | virtual |
moveRow(IlInt from, IlInt to) | IliTable | virtual |
moveRowInCache(IlInt from, IlInt to) | IliTable | virtual |
newNamedPropertyManager(const char *name) | IliTable | |
newPropertyManager() | IliTable | virtual |
raiseError(const IliErrorMessage &msg) const | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
ReadTable(IlvDisplay *disp, std::istream &input) | IliTable | static |
refreshAndLockRow(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | virtual |
refreshRow(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | virtual |
releaseBuffer(IliTableBuffer *buff) | IliTable | |
removeErrorSink(IliErrorSink *sink) | IliTable | |
removeHook(IliTableHook *hook) | IliSchema | |
removeNamedPropertyManager(const char *name) | IliTable | |
removeProperty(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName) | IliTable | |
rowChanged(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowDeleted(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowFetched(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowInserted(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowMoved(IlInt src, IlInt dest) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowToBeChanged(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
rowToBeDeleted(IlInt rowno) | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
select() | IliTable | virtual |
set(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IliValue &value) | IliTable | |
set(IlInt rowno, IliName colname, const IliValue &value) | IliTable | |
setAsCollection(IlBoolean flag) | IliSchema | |
setAsSimpleCollection(IlBoolean flag) | IliSchema | |
setColumnAlignment(IlInt colno, IlvAlignment align) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnDefault(IlInt colno, const char *val) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnDisplayWidth(IlInt colno, IlInt width) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnForeignDataSourceName(IlInt colno, const char *dsname) | IliTable | |
setColumnForeignDisplayColumn(IlInt colno, const char *name) | IliTable | |
setColumnForeignTable(IlInt colno, IliTable *table) | IliTable | |
setColumnForeignValueColumn(IlInt colno, const char *name) | IliTable | |
setColumnFormat(IlInt colno, const IliFormat &fmt) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnLabel(IlInt colno, const char *label) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnMask(IlInt colno, const IliInputMask &mask) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnMaxLength(IlInt colno, IlInt maxlen) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnName(IlInt colno, const char *colname) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnNullable(IlInt colno, IlBoolean nullable) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnPartOfKey(IlInt colno, IlBoolean partOfKey) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnReadOnly(IlInt colno, IlBoolean readOnly) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnTitle(IlInt colno, const char *title) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnType(IlInt colno, const IliDatatype *type) | IliSchema | virtual |
setColumnValueConstrained(IlInt colno, IlBoolean flag) | IliTable | |
setColumnVisible(IlInt colno, IlBoolean visible) | IliSchema | virtual |
setCompareFunction(IliCompareFunction fct, IlAny arg=0) | IliTable | |
setElementTypeName(const char *name) | IliSchema | |
setGadgetHolder(IlvGadgetHolder *gadHold) | IliTable | |
setInCache(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IliValue &value) | IliTable | |
setLanguageSensitive(IlBoolean f) | IliMapTable | |
setModified(IlBoolean flag) | IliTable | virtual |
setParameterColumnName(IlInt paramno, const char *colname) | IliTable | |
setParameterDataSourceName(IlInt paramno, const char *dsname) | IliTable | |
setParameterMaxLength(IlInt paramno, IlInt maxlen) | IliTable | |
setParameterName(IlInt paramno, const char *name) | IliTable | |
setParameterType(IlInt paramno, const IliDatatype *type) | IliTable | |
setParameterValue(IlInt paramno, const IliValue &value) | IliTable | |
setParameterValue(IliName paramName, const IliValue &value) | IliTable | |
setProperty(IlInt rowno, IlInt colno, const IlvSymbol *propName, const IliValue &propVal) | IliTable | |
setReadOnly(IlBoolean) | IliMapTable | virtual |
setSchemaName(const char *name) | IliSchema | |
setTransactionManager(IliTransactionManager *tm) | IliTable | |
setTransactionManagerName(const char *name) | IliTable | |
sortRows(const IlInt *colnoArray, IlInt columnsCount, IlInt fromRow=0, IlInt toRow=-1, IliCompareFunction fct=0, IlAny data=0) | IliTable | |
startOfBatch() | IliSchema | |
tableChanged() | IliTable | protectedvirtual |
unLock() const | IliRefCounted | |
updateRow(IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) | IliTable | virtual |
updateRowInCache(IlInt rowno, IliTableBuffer *buff) | IliTable | virtual |
write(IL_STDPREF ostream &output) const | IliMapTable | virtual |
writeTable(std::ostream &output) const | IliTable | |
~IliRefCounted() | IliRefCounted | protectedvirtual |
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