2D Graphics > Prototypes > The User Interface and Commands > The Main Window > Buffer Windows
Buffer Windows
Applications and panels are created in the buffer windows displayed in the Main window. The current buffer type is shown at the bottom of the Main window.
With the Prototypes extension of Rogue Wave Views Studio, you can edit the following types of buffers:
*2D Graphics
An empty 2D Graphics buffer is displayed by default when you launch Rogue Wave Views Studio.
As you switch between the buffers currently loaded in the Main window, you will notice that each buffer type has its own set of editing modes. When you change the current buffer, the editing modes available as icons in the toolbar change accordingly.
The 2D Graphics Buffer Window
The 2D Graphics buffer is the default for the Foundation package. It allows you to edit the contents of an IlvManager or an IlvContainer. It uses an IlvManager to load, edit, and save objects.
To create a new 2D Graphics buffer window:
1. Choose New from the File menu.
2. Then choose 2D Graphics from the submenu that appears.
To open this window, you can also execute the NewGraphicBuffer command from the Commands panel, which you can display by choosing Commands from the Tools menu.
When you open a .ilv file that was generated by an IlvManager, a 2D Graphics buffer window is automatically opened.
The Grapher Buffer Window
The Grapher buffer window lets you edit the contents of an IlvGrapher. It uses an IlvGrapher to load, edit, and save nodes and links.
To create a new Grapher buffer window:
1. Choose New from the File menu.
2. Then choose Grapher from the submenu that appears.
To open this window, you can also execute the NewGrapherBuffer command from the Commands panel, which you can display by choosing Commands from the Tools menu.
When you open a .ilv file that was generated by an IlvGrapher, a Grapher buffer window is automatically opened.
The Prototypes Buffer Window
The Prototypes buffer window is used to create and manipulate your prototypes. Graphic objects, and Prototypes, can be dragged from a Palettes panel to an active Prototypes buffer window.
To open a new Prototypes buffer window:
1. Choose New from the File menu.
2. Then choose Prototype from the submenu that appears.
Alternatively, when you double-click a Prototype in a Prototypes palette, a Prototypes buffer window is automatically opened to allow you to modify it or inspect its attributes and behaviors.

Version 6.0
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