Studio > Panels > Message Editor Panel
Message Editor Panel
The Message Editor panel lets you edit multilingual messages and save them to database files.
Figure 6.4    Message Editor Panel
Access to Panel
The panel is accessed by:
*Choosing Messages Editor from the Tools menu.
*Selecting the command ShowMessagePanel in the Commands panel and clicking Apply.
Message Editor Panel Elements
You use the table that appears in this panel to edit the messages of the database file. The Name column contains the messages identifiers. The definitions for each language are edited in another column. Except for the first line that displays the column headers, each row of the table corresponds to a message.
Editing a Table Cell
To edit a cell of the table in the message editor:
1. Double-click the cell.
2. Type the string of characters required for the message.
3. Press Enter to validate the new string.
Using Panel Menus
At the top of the Messages Editor panel are the various menus that you use to manage message database files.
File Menu
Use the File menu for file maintenance tasks for your message database files.
Menu Item
Empties the panel and creates a new database for editing.
Opens a dialog box that lets you select and load a message database file previously saved by the message editor.
Opens a dialog box that lets you select and insert a file previously saved by the message editor. The messages of this file are appended to the current database.
Saves the current database to a file. If the database has no associated file name, a dialog box opens for providing a filename.
Save As
Opens a dialog box that lets you save the current database in a new file.
Closes the Messages panel.
Message Menu
Use the Message menu to add, remove, search and sort messages for the database being edited.
Menu Item
New Message
Inserts a new line in the table for defining a new message in the current database. If a cell is selected, the new line is inserted into it. Otherwise, it is appended to the end of the table.
New Messages
Opens a dialog box for you to enter the number of new messages to be inserted.
If a cell is selected, removes the message corresponding to the selected cell.
Opens a dialog box where a string is typed for which the Message editor searches the next occurrence. You can specify the column where the Message editor searches for the string.
Sort by name
Sorts the database by name.
Sort by definition
Displays a submenu for choosing a language column to sort the database.
Language Menu
Use this menu to add or remove languages.
Menu Item
New Language
Opens a dialog box to enter a new language for the database. When you validate the language, the Message editor appends an empty column to the table for entering the message definitions for the new language.
Remove Language
If a cell is selected, removes the language corresponding to the column containing that cell. This operation removes all the message definitions for that language from the database.
Display Menu
Use this menu to modify the display database.
Menu Item
Clears the display database and reloads the default databases.
Appends the edited messages to the display database so your new messages are known by the display.
Choose Language
Displays a submenu for choosing the current language for the display.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.