2D Graphics > Managers > Manager Event Handling > View Interactors > Predefined View Interactors
Predefined View Interactors
Predefined interactors obtained by instantiating subclasses derived from the IlvDragRectangleInteractor class are listed here:
Lets the user draw a rectangle that can be used for any purpose by subclasses (see section Example: Implementing the IlvDragRectangleInteractor Class for an example showing how to use this interactor).
Include <ilviews/manager/dragrin.h>
Allows you to create IlvRectangle objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkrectin.h>
Allows you to create IlvFilledRectangle objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkrectin.h>
Allows you to create IlvReliefRectangle objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkrelfin.h>
Allows you to create IlvReliefDiamond objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkrelfin.h>
Allows you to create IlvRoundRectangle objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkround.h>.
Allows you to create IlvFilledRoundRectangle objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkround.h>
Allows you to create IlvEllipse objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkarcin.h>
Allows you to create IlvFilledEllipse objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/mkarcin.h>
Handles the zooming command. You draw a rectangular region into which you wish to zoom.
Include <ilviews/manager/geointer.h>
Handles the unzooming command. You draw a rectangular region into which the area you are watching is unzoomed.
Include <ilviews/manager/geointer.h>
Allows you to create a bitmap from the view. You drag a rectangle and an IlvIcon object is created from the contents of the rectangle selected.
Include <ilviews/manager/utilint.h>
Allows you to select, translate, and resize graphic objects.
Include <ilviews/manager/selinter.h>
Allows you to create IlvLine objects. Two derived classes are defined to create different types of lines: IlvMakeArrowLineInteractor and IlvMakeReliefLineInteractor.
Include <ilviews/manager/mklinein.h>

Version 6.0
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