Studio > The Rogue Wave Views Studio Interface > Palettes Panel
Palettes Panel
The Palettes panel provides you with predefined gadgets and graphics that you can drag and drop directly to your work space to create the graphic panels that will constitute your final application. See Creating Objects.
This panel is displayed by default when you launch Rogue Wave Views Studio, together with the Main window. If you decide to hide it, you can show it again by choosing Palettes from the Tools menu. To display it, you can also:
1. Choose Commands from the Tools menu.
2. Select the ShowPalettePanel command in the list and click Apply.
Figure 3.7    Palettes Panel
As you can see from the illustration, the Palette panel is divided into two panes. The upper pane is composed of a tree gadget in which you select the type of palette you want to display in the lower pane.

Version 6.0
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