Gadgets > Rogue Wave Views Gadgets > Understanding Gadgets > Gadgets Look and Feel
Gadgets Look and Feel
The appearance and behavior of some gadgets can be modified to conform to the graphic environment in which they are being used. Currently, Rogue Wave® Views takes into account five graphic environments: ViewsX, Motif®, Microsoft® Windows® 3.11, Microsoft Windows 95, and Microsoft Windows XP. You can decide which look and feel is to be used by your gadgets. You can also define a custom look and feel by inheriting an existing one, or by completely redesigning your own look and feel.
In this section, you will find information on the following topics:
*Using the Default Look and Feel
*Using Several Look and Feel
*Dynamic Loading of Look and Feel
*Changing the Look and Feel Dynamically
*Using the Windows XP Look and Feel

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.