Application Framework > The Bitmap Editor Application > Step 1: Generating the Base Files With the Wizard > Conclusion
Step 1 is now complete. Using only the Application Framework Editor, a Bitmap Editor Application has been created with the following features:
*Managing a Most Recently Used Files list.
*Handling MDI Frames.
If you compile, link, and execute the generated code, you get the following basic application:
Note: Depending on the platform on which you are running the application, you may have to set the environment variable ILVPATH to ../data to allow the application to access its data.
The following files have been generated:
*main.cpp - This code reads the configuration file (.odv) and launches the application.
*BitmapDocument.cpp and BitmapDocument.h - Implement the document class. The following methods have been generated and need to be completed (see Step 2).
*Constructor and destructor.
*initializeDocument - Executed when calling New command.
*clean - Executed when destroying the document (typically, closing the last view opened on the document).
*serialize - Executed when loading or saving a document from a file (typically, Open and Save commands).
*BitmapView.cpp and BitmapView.h - Implement the view class. The following methods have been generated and need to be completed (see Step 2).
*Constructor and destructor.
*initializeView - Executed upon creation of the document or when a new view to a document is created.
*getBitmapDocument - Returns the BitmapDocument associated with the view.
*BitmapEditor.odv - Contains persistent information on the application configuration, code generation, and compilation. This file may be reloaded into the Application Framework Editor to add new commands (for example).
Step 2 will focus on the C++ code to be developed to implement the document and the view of the Bitmap Editor application.

Version 6.0
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