Views Foundation > Adding ActiveX Controls as Graphic Objects into a Rogue Wave Views Application > Presentation of the Rogue Wave Views Application of this Example
Presentation of the Rogue Wave Views Application of this Example
This tutorial has the following steps:
*Step 1: Creating an IlvGraphicCOMAdapter Object
*Step 2: Getting an Object Interface
*Step 3: Adding an Object Interactor
*Step 4: Adding a Browser
*Step 5: Getting the Value of the Property of a Control
The example is just built above an IlvGrapher.
You can find the definition of the classes in the files include/ActiveXGraphicAdapterApp.h, include/ActiveXGraphicAdapter.h, and include/makenode.h. The definition of the member functions are in src/ActiveXGraphicAdapterApp.cpp, src/ActiveXGraphicAdapter.cpp, and src/specific.cpp. The data are in the file data/ActiveXGraphicAdapter.ilv. An rc file, src/ActiveXApp.rc, was generated with ilv2data. We'll use it so that we don't worry about the path for the data.
The files src/ActiveXGraphicAdapterApp.cpp and src/ActiveXGraphicAdapter.cpp were generated by ivstudio and modified for the purpose of the application. For more precisions on this part of this application, see the other manuals of Rogue Wave Views. The file src/specific.cpp contains the main part of the subject of this tutorial. This file contains, among other functions, ActiveXGraphicAdapter::specificInitialization. Most of the work of this tutorial will be done in this function.
The application contains a menu and a scrolled grapher rectangle. Through the menu, you can:
*Clean the grapher (File/New),
*Load a file into the grapher (File/Open),
*Store the content of the grapher into a file (File/Save or File/SaveAs),
*Quit the application (File/Quit),
*Attach an interactor to the grapher in order to build new nodes (Interactors/Node Creation interactor),
*Attach an interactor to the grapher in order to build new links (Interactors/Link Creation Interactor),
*Attach a selection interactor to the grapher (Interactors/Selection Interactor),
*Detach all view interactor in order to use the object interactors, if any(Interactors/Object Interactor),
*Print help.
Note: In the code subdirectory for this tutorial, please note that the samples for this overview are in “step1,” those for the first step are in “step2,” and so forth.

Version 6.0
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