Release Notes > Release Notes for Version 5.2 > Note for Microsoft Visual C++ Users
Note for Microsoft Visual C++ Users
For all your projects, make sure that wsock32.lib and imm32.lib are specified in the link command line.
To debug your program more easily, add the following lines to the section [AutoExpand] of the file
x86_.net2003_7.1, x86_.net2005_8.0, x86_.net2008_9.0 or x64_.net2008_9.0:
; from Rogue Wave Views
IlvRect =x = <_orig._x,d> y = <_orig._y,d> width = <_w,u> height = <_h,u>
IlvPoint =x = <_x,d> y = <_y,d>
IlvTransformer =x11 = <_x11,g> x12 = <_x12,g> x21 = <_x21,g> x22 = <_x22,g> x0 = <_x0,g> y0 = <_y0,g>
These lines let you display the values of the objects that these classes define (instead of their address) in the tooltip that appears when the mouse is positioned over a variable.
You may get a series of link errors when using the Visual C++ 6.0 integrated development environments to build your project in Debug mode.
In Debug mode, to be able to link your application with Visual C++ and the libraries provided in Rogue Wave Views, follow these instructions:
x86_.net2003_7.1, x86_.net2005_8.0, x86_.net2008_9.0 or x64_.net2008_9.0:
*in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, select your projects in the "Solution Explorer" window,
*right-click on the selection and choose the "Properties" item,
*in the "Property Pages" window, select "Configuration Properties" -> "C/C++" -> "Preprocessor",
*in the "Preprocessor Definitions" field, remove "_DEBUG",
*recompile and relink the application.

Version 6.0
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