Release Notes > Release Notes for Version 5.0.1 > Changes Since Version 5.0 > Various Versions
Various Versions
The libraries are stored in subdirectories of the directory lib/<system> on Unix and lib\<system> on Windows (95/98/Me, and NT/2000/XP).
There are several library files (static and shared equivalent):
* Unix platforms:
libxviews: Pure Xlib code of Rogue Wave Views.
libmviews: Motif-dependent code of Rogue Wave Views.
*Windows 95/98/Me, and NT/2000/XP platforms:
winviews.lib: Windows-dependent code of Rogue Wave Views.
For all platforms (the name should be prefixed with 'lib' on Unix platforms, and have the lib extension on Windows platforms):
Library Name
ilog: Views utility classes (arrays, lists...)
Views utilitity classes (arrays, lists...)
ilvmlook: ilvwlook: ilvw95look: ilvwxplook:
Gadgets package (Controls)
Application Framework package (Controls)
Manager Package (2D Standard)
Grapher Package (Advanced 2D)
Prototypes Package (Advanced 2D)
Web Deployment package (Advanced 2D)
Data Access add-on
Charts add-on
Charts library (IlvChartGraphic and related classes)
Graph Layout add-on
Gantt add-on
ilvGantt: Gantt Chart library (IlvGanttChart and related classes)
Maps add-on

Version 6.0
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