Maps > Map Projections > Projecting Data: An Example > Creating the Projected Data
Creating the Projected Data
In the projection library, computations are performed in double-precision. Therefore, we need to create an instance of the class IlvCoordinate that contains a vector of two coordinates. The values of the class are the latitude lambda and the longitude phi. These values are expressed in radians. To convert degrees to radians, we use the static conversion function DegreeToRadian.
double lambda = IlvMaps::DegreeToRadian(-45.);
double phi = IlvMaps::DegreeToRadian(30.);
IlvCoordinate ll(lambda, phi);
Warning: The two characters (ll) in the last line of the code are the letters (ll), not the numerals (11). This applies to the sections that follow as well.

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