Maps > Introducing Rogue Wave Views Maps > What Is Rogue Wave Views Maps?
What Is Rogue Wave Views Maps?
Rogue Wave® Views Maps consists of the following components:
*A map builder
*A class library
The Map Builder
Rogue Wave Views Maps is delivered with the Map Builder, an editor for creating maps that can be loaded into a running application. The maps created with the Map Builder can benefit from most of the features of Rogue Wave Views Maps, including the sophisticated load-on-demand mechanism that lets you handle very large volumes of data.
The use of the Map Builder is illustrated in Getting Started with Rogue Wave Views Maps.
The Class Library
Rogue Wave Views Maps is a class library that allows you to save time when building applications with carthographic needs. The API of this class library is easily and fully customizable and extensible to meet your application needs.
This library is composed of:
*Classes for loading cartographic data and representing them as graphic objects within an Rogue Wave Views manager. See Rogue Wave Views Maps Reader Framework.
*Classes implementing load-on-demand for managing large volumes of data. See Using Load-On-Demand.
*Classes implementing predefined readers for various commonly-used cartographic formats, such as CADRG, DTED, or Oracle Spatial. See Predefined Readers.
*Classes for managing georeferencing and reprojection of geographic coordinates. See Map Projections.
Note: In this manual the term package is referred to as the class whose header file is in a directory that has the same name of the package. For example, the package projection is in the projection directory.

Version 6.0
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