Maps > Using Load-On-Demand > Controlling Load-on-Demand > Loading Tiles via the API
Loading Tiles via the API
The load-on-demand mechanism is event-driven in that cartographic data is loaded or unloaded following user’s actions, such as zooming or panning. You can, however, use the lockTile method, for example, to preload a tile corresponding to a map zone that is visited frequently or to prevent the tile from being unloaded.
The lockTile method shown below increments the tile lock counter:
IlvTileController::lockTile(IlInt column,
IlInt row,
IlAny source)
If the tile lock counter is equal to zero, the tile is loaded into memory and will not be unloaded as long as the lock is not released with the following method:
IlvTileController::unlockTile(IlInt row,
IlInt column,
IlAny source)

Version 6.0
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