Product Overview > Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Setting Up Rogue Wave Views > Setup on Windows
Setup on Windows
This procedure explains how to configure Rogue Wave Views on Microsoft® Windows® systems. You must have on hand the following installation information:
*Installation Directory: Rogue Wave Views components are normally installed in the C:\Rogue Wave\ directory, including C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX (where XX stands for the version number). If you install Rogue Wave Views in another directory, replace subsequent references to the default directory with your actual installation directory.
*System Name: The name of your <SYSTEM> directory can be found in the README file delivered with the product. This is the name of the port that you will use.
*Subsystem Name: The Rogue Wave Views libraries are provided in several versions for Windows. This is due to the different compiler options that were used when compiling the Rogue Wave Views libraries, such as whether these libraries are static (.lib) or dynamic (.dll). These different library types are contained in subdirectories of LIB\<SYSTEM> and are referred to by the name <SUBSYSTEM>. Each of the available versions requires specific compiler flags. For more information on these compiler flags, see Compiling and Linking with Microsoft Visual C++.
In the instructions that follow, replace the strings <SYSTEM> and <SUBSYSTEM> in commands and directory names with your actual system and subsystem names.
To configure Rogue Wave Views on Windows, do the following:
1. Set the ILVHOME variable to the Rogue Wave Views installation directory.
Open the Windows environment variables dialog box. Use this dialog box to define the ILVHOME variable as:
C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX
Do not close the dialog box as you will need to use it again.
Alternatively, the following lines are automatically added to the VIEWS.INI file:
home=C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX
The file is located in the directory where Windows is installed.
2. Set the PATH variable.
The directory containing Rogue Wave Views DLLs must be added to the PATH variable. To do this, either copy the DLLs into a directory of the path, or:
*Use the Windows environment variables dialog box to define the PATH variable as:
C:\Rogue Wave\VIEWSXX\LIB\<system>\<subsystem>;%PATH%
Click Apply and then OK to validate your changes.
3. Restart your computer to make sure your changes become effective.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.