Product Overview > Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Contents
Rogue Wave Views Studio
A ready-to-use version of Rogue Wave® Views Studio, delivered as a binary file called ivfstudio is provided in the studio/<system> directory. Rogue Wave Views Studio is a GUI builder that will help you create and generate Rogue Wave Views applications.
Various Versions
The libraries are stored in subdirectories of the directory lib/<system>/<format> on UNIX® and lib\<system> on Windows® (Server 2003 or 2008/Windows 7/Windows 8).
There are several library files (static and shared equivalent):
Unix platforms:
*libxviews: Pure Xlib code of Rogue Wave® Views.
*libmviews: Motif-dependent code of Rogue Wave Views.
Windows Server 2003 or 2008/Windows 7/Windows 8 platforms:
*winviews.lib: Windows-dependent code of Rogue Wave Views.
For all platforms (the name should be prefixed with lib on UNIX platforms, and have the .lib extension on Windows platforms):
*Foundation Package
*ilog: Rogue Wave Views utility classes (arrays, lists, and so on).
*views: Core library. Includes Standard 2D graphics.
* ilvgadgt: Core Gadgets library.
This library is provided with the Foundation Package, but can be used and deployed only if you have the "Rogue Wave Views" or "Rogue Wave Views Controls" license. This library contains the following classes: IlvMessageLabel, IlvFrame, IlvButton, IlvToggle, IlvColoredToggle, IlvComboBox, IlvTextField, IlvNumberField, IlvPasswordField, IlvPopupMenu, IlvToolBar, IlvMenuBar, IlvScrollBar, IlvSlider, IlvGadgetItem, IlvMenuItem, IlvGadgetContainer, IlvScrolledView, IlvDialog, IlvIMessageDialog, IlvIInformationDialog, IlvIErrorDialog, IlvIWarner, IlvIQuestionDialog, IlvGadgetContainerRectangle, IlvSCGadgetContainerRectangle, IlvSCViewRectangle.
*ilvmlook: Motif® Look and Feel library.
*ilvwlook: Windows 3.11 Look and Feel library.
*ilvw95look: Windows 95 Look and Feel library.
*ilvwxplook: Windows XP Look and Feel library (Windows only).
*ilvprint: Printing support library.
*ilvbmpflt: Bitmap Filters library.
*ilvbmp: BMP bitmap streamer.
*ilvwbmp: WBMP bitmap streamer.
*ilvpng: PNG bitmap streamer.
*ilvjpg: JPG bitmap streamer.
*ilvppm: PBM-PPM bitmap streamer.
*ilvtiff: TIFF bitmap streamer.
*ilvrgb: SGI RGB bitmap streamer.
*iljs: Rogue Wave Script library.
*ilvjs: IRogue Wave Views Script implementation.
*iljsgide: Rogue Wave Script debugger interface.
*ilvbuild: Resource-handling classes for binaries.
*ilvvxlook: ViewsX Look and Feel Library.
*Gadgets Package (Controls)
*ilvadvgdt: Advanced Gadgets library (IlvMatrix, IlvTreeGadget, ...).
*ilvadvgadmgr: Manager classes using advanced gadgets.
*ilvatext: IlvAnnotext and related classes.
*ilvedit: Inspector classes (Color chooser, Font chooser, ...).
*ilvstates: States library.
*ilvamlook: Advanced Motif Look and Feel library.
*ilvawlook: Advanced Windows 3.11 Look and Feel library.
*ilvaw95look: Advanced Windows 95 Look and Feel library.
*ilvawxplook: Advanced Windows XP Look and Feel library (Windows only).
*ilvprtdlg: Printing dialogs library.
*ilvavxlook:Advanced ViewsX Look and Feel Library.
*Application Framework Package (Controls)
*ilvappframe: Application Framework library.
*ilvappmgr: Application Framework classes using the Manager package (IlvDvManagerDocument and related classes).
*ilvappgrapher: Application Framework classes using the Grapher package (IlvDvGrapherDocument and related classes).
*ilvappwizard: Application Framework library for wizard.
*Manager Package (2D Standard)
*ilvmgr: Manager library (IlvManager and related classes).
*ilvgadmgr: Manager classes using gadgets (IlvGadgetManager and related classes).
*ilvmgrprint: Manager Printing support library.
*Data Access Add-On
*dataccess: Core Data Access libraries (was 'inform' in Views InForm 3.0).
*dbaccess: Relational databases libraries (was 'dbinform' in Views InForm 3.0).
*dbchart: Charts-based Data Access classes library.
*dbgadget: Gadgets-based Data Access classes library.
*dbgantt: Gantt Chart-based Data Access classes library.
*dbgraphe: Grapher-based Data Access classes library.
*dbsqlgad: Relational Databases Gadgets classes library.
*Grapher Package (Advanced 2D)
*ilvgrapher: Grapher library (IlvGrapher and related classes).
*ilvgadgraph: Grapher classes using gadgets (IlvSCGrapherRectangle).
*Prototypes Package (Advanced 2D)
*ilvproto: Prototypes Base library.
*ilvgdpro: Prototype classes using gadgets.
*Charts Add-On
*ilvcharts: Charts library (IlvChartGraphic and related classes).
*Graph Layout Add-On
*ilvlayout: Core Graph Layout library.
*ilvbus: Bus layout library.
*ilvhierarchical: Hierarchical layout library.
*ilvorthlink: Orthogonal Link layout.
*ilvrandom: Random layout library.
*ilvtree: Tree layout library.
*Gantt Add-On
*ilvgantt: Gantt Chart library (IlvGanttChart and related classes).
*Maps Add-On
*ilvmaps: Core Maps library.
*ilvdbmaps: Database-based maps library.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.