Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
Maps Package API Reference Guide

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IlvIntervalColorModel Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvIntervalColorModel, including all inherited members.

copy() const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
getAlpha(IlInt pixel) const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
getBlue(IlInt pixel) const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
getColors(IlUChar *&redmap, IlUChar *&greenmap, IlUChar *&bluemap) const IlvIntervalColorModel
getGreen(IlInt pixel) const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
getLimits(IlInt *&limits) const IlvIntervalColorModel
getRed(IlInt pixel) const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
getRGBA(IlInt pixel, IlUChar &red, IlUChar &green, IlUChar &blue, IlUChar &alpha) const IlvMapColorModelvirtual
IlvIntervalColorModel(const IlUChar *redMap, const IlUChar *greenMap, const IlUChar *blueMap, IlUInt colorCount, const IlInt *limits, IlUInt limitCount)IlvIntervalColorModel
IlvIntervalColorModel(const IlvIntervalColorModel &model)IlvIntervalColorModel
isPersistent() const IlvIntervalColorModelvirtual
save(IlvOutputFile &file) const IlvMapColorModel
write(IlvOutputFile &file) const =0IlvMapColorModelpure virtual

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