Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
Grapher Package API Reference Guide

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IlvLinkHandle Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvLinkHandle, including all inherited members.

computePoints(IlvPoint &src, IlvPoint &dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const IlvLinkImagevirtual
getAlpha() const IlvGraphicvirtual
getAntialiasingMode() const IlvGraphicvirtual
getFrom() const IlvLinkImage
getLineWidth() const IlvGraphicvirtual
getLinkPoints(IlUInt &nPoints, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const IlvLinkImagevirtual
getLookFeelHandler() const IlvGraphicvirtual
getObject() const IlvLinkHandle
getTo() const IlvLinkImage
getWidth() const IlvLinkHandle
IlvLinkHandle(IlvDisplay *display, IlvGraphic *object, IlvGraphic *from, IlvGraphic *to, IlvDim width=0, IlBoolean owner=IlTrue, IlvPalette *palette=0)IlvLinkHandle
IlvLinkImage(IlvDisplay *display, IlBoolean oriented, IlvGraphic *from, IlvGraphic *to, IlvPalette *palette=0)IlvLinkImage
invert(IlBoolean temp=IlFalse)IlvGraphicvirtual
isOriented() const IlvLinkImage
isOwner() const IlvLinkHandle
isUsingLinkPalette() const IlvLinkHandle
setAlpha(IlvIntensity alpha)IlvGraphicvirtual
setAntialiasingMode(IlvAntialiasingMode mode)IlvGraphicvirtual
setFrom(IlvGraphic *f)IlvLinkImage
setHolder(IlvGraphicHolder *holder)IlvGraphicvirtual
setObject(IlvGraphic *object)IlvLinkHandle
setOriented(IlBoolean oriented)IlvLinkImage
setOwner(IlBoolean owner)IlvLinkHandle
setTo(IlvGraphic *t)IlvLinkImage
setWidth(IlvDim width)IlvLinkHandle
useLinkPalette(IlBoolean use)IlvLinkHandle
zoomable() const IlvLinkHandlevirtual

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