Rogue Wave Views 5.6 |
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This is the complete list of members for IliDbStringList, including all inherited members.
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
addSelectCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvStringList | |
addSelectCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvStringList | |
addSelectCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvStringList | |
addSelectCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvStringList | |
adjustFromScrollBar(const IlvScrollBar *sb, IlvDirection dir) | IlvStringList | protectedvirtual |
adjustScrollBarValue(IlvScrollBar *sb, IlvDirection dir) | IlvStringList | protectedvirtual |
allowDragDrop() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
allowDragDrop(IlBoolean allow) | IlvStringList | |
applyToItems(IlvApplyGadgetItem func, IlAny arg) | IlvGadgetItemHolder | virtual |
applyTransform(const IlvTransformer *t) | IlvGadget | virtual |
autoLabelAlignment(IlBoolean align, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
autoLabelAlignment() const | IlvStringList | |
boundingBox(IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
callCallback() | IlvGadget | |
classFocusable() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
contains(const IlvPoint &, const IlvPoint &, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
draw(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
drawBackground(IlvPort *, const IlvTransformer *, const IlvRegion *) const | IlvStringList | virtual |
drawContents(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
drawFrame(IlvPort *, const IlvTransformer *, const IlvRegion *) const | IlvStringList | virtual |
drawGadgetContents(IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const | IlvStringList | virtual |
drawGadgetItem(const IlvGadgetItem *, IlvPort *port, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t, const IlvRegion *clip) const | IlvStringList | virtual |
empty() | IlvStringList | virtual |
ensureVisible(IlUShort index, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse, IlBoolean horizontal=IlFalse) | IlvStringList | |
enterGadget() | IlvGadget | virtual |
EnterGadgetSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
f_applyReferences(IlvApplyObject f, IlAny a) | IliFieldItf | |
f_complete() | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_enableCompletion(IlBoolean) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_externalToInternal() | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_getAlignment() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getDataSource() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getDataSource() | IliFieldItf | |
f_getDataSourceColumnName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getDataSourceName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getEffectiveTablePropertyManager() | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getForeignDataSourceName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getForeignDisplayColumnName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getForeignTable() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getForeignTable() | IliFieldItf | |
f_getForeignValueColumnName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getFormat() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getGadget() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getGadget() | IliFieldItf | |
f_getGraphic() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getGraphic() | IliFieldItf | |
f_getLabel() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getMask() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getMaxLength() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_getTablePropertyManagerName() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_getValue(IlBoolean internalP=IlFalse) const | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_getVisibleRowsCount() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_hasLabel() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_ignoreModifiedState(IlBoolean ignore) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_internalToExternal() | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_isAutoFitPullDown() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_isCompletionEnabled() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_isConnectedToDataSource() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_isConsistent() const | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_isConstrained() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_isDataSourceOwner() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_isForeignTableOwner() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_isInputModified() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_isModifiedStateIgnored() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_isReadOnly() const | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_isUsingTableProperties() const | IliFieldItf | |
f_killFocus() | IliFieldItf | |
f_read(IlvInputFile &input) | IliFieldItf | protected |
f_selectTextForAppend() | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_selectTextForOverwrite() | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_set(IlvGraphic *g, const IliFieldItf &other) | IliFieldItf | protected |
f_setAlignment(IlvAlignment align) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setAutoFitPullDown(IlBoolean flag) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setConstrained(IlBoolean flag) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setDataSourceColumnName(const char *name) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setDataSourceName(const char *name) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setFocus() | IliFieldItf | |
f_setForeignDataSourceName(const char *name) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setForeignDisplayColumnName(const char *) | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_setForeignTable(IliTable *, IlBoolean owner=IlFalse) | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_setForeignValueColumnName(const char *) | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_setFormat(const IliFormat &fmt) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setGraphic(IlvGraphic *g) | IliFieldItf | protected |
f_setInputModified(IlBoolean flag) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setLabel(const char *label) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setMask(const IliInputMask &msk) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setMaxLength(IlShort vmax) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setReadOnly(IlBoolean) | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_setTablePropertyManagerName(const char *name) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_setValue(const IliValue &, IlBoolean internalP=IlFalse) | IliDbStringList | virtual |
f_setVisibleRowsCount(IlInt count) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_subscribe() | IliFieldItf | protected |
f_supportsTableProperties() const | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_unsubscribe() | IliFieldItf | protected |
f_useTableProperties(IlBoolean flag) | IliFieldItf | virtual |
f_write(IlvOutputFile &output) const | IliFieldItf | protected |
fitToContents(IlvDirection direction=(IlvDirection)(IlvHorizontal|IlvVertical)) | IlvGadget | virtual |
focusIn() | IlvGadget | virtual |
FocusInSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
focusOut() | IlvGadget | virtual |
FocusOutSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
getAlpha() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getAntialiasingMode() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getCallbackTypes(const char *const **, const IlSymbol *const **) const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getDefaultItemHeight() const | IlvStringList | |
getEnterGadgetCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getEnterGadgetCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getFirstItem() const | IlvStringList | |
getFocusInCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusInCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusOutCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getFocusOutCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getForeignBitmapColumnName() const | IliDbStringList | |
IlvScrolledGadget::getInsensitivePalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
IlvListGadgetItemHolder::getInsensitivePalette() const =0 | IlvGadgetItemHolder | pure virtual |
getLabelOffset() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
getLabelOrientation(IlvOrientation &orientation, IlBoolean &flip) const | IlvStringList | virtual |
getLabelPosition() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
getLastFullVisibleItem() const | IlvStringList | |
getLastVisibleItem(const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvStringList | |
getLeaveGadgetCallback() const | IlvGadget | |
getLeaveGadgetCallbackName() const | IlvGadget | |
getLineWidth() const | IlvGraphic | virtual |
getLookFeelHandler() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
getNormalTextPalette() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
getOffset() const | IlvStringList | |
getOpaquePalette() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
getSelectCallback() const | IlvStringList | |
getSelectCallbackName() const | IlvStringList | |
getSelectionLimit() const | IlvStringList | |
getSelectionMode() const | IlvStringList | |
IlvScrolledGadget::getSelectionPalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
IlvListGadgetItemHolder::getSelectionPalette() const =0 | IlvGadgetItemHolder | pure virtual |
IlvScrolledGadget::getSelectionTextPalette() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
IlvListGadgetItemHolder::getSelectionTextPalette() const =0 | IlvGadgetItemHolder | pure virtual |
getSpacing() const | IlvStringList | |
getThickness() const | IlvGadget | |
getTransformer() const | IlvGadget | |
handleGadgetEvent(IlvEvent &event) | IlvStringList | virtual |
hasFullSelection() const | IlvStringList | |
hasToolTips() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
IliDbStringList(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, const char *const *labels=0, IlUShort count=0, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IliDbStringList | |
IlvGadget(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=2, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvGadget | |
IlvStringList(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &point, const char *const *labels=0, IlUShort count=0, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvStringList | |
IlvStringList(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, const char *const *labels=0, IlUShort count=0, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvStringList | |
IlvStringList(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &point, const char *const *labels, IlAny const *itemData, IlUShort count, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvStringList | |
IlvStringList(IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, const char *const *labels, IlAny const *itemData, IlUShort count, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) | IlvStringList | |
InputModifiedSymbol() | IliFieldItf | static |
invert(IlBoolean temp=IlFalse) | IlvGadget | virtual |
isActive() const | IlvGadget | |
isEditable() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
isExclusive() const | IlvStringList | |
isInverted() const | IlvGadget | |
isShowingFrame() const | IlvGadget | |
isShowingLabel() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
isShowingPicture() const | IlvStringList | virtual |
isTransparent() const | IlvGadget | |
itemBBox(IlUShort index, IlvRect &bbox, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvStringList | |
leaveGadget() | IlvGadget | virtual |
LeaveGadgetSymbol() | IlvGadget | static |
pointToPosition(const IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const | IlvStringList | |
recomputeAllItems() | IlvStringList | virtual |
reDraw() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
scrollBarChanged(IlvScrollBar *scrollbar, IlvOrientation direction) | IlvStringList | virtual |
scrollBarHasMoved(IlvDirection dir) | IlvStringList | protectedvirtual |
selectionLimitReached() const | IlvStringList | |
SelectSymbol() | IlvStringList | static |
setActive(IlBoolean active) | IlvGadget | |
setAlpha(IlvIntensity) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setAntialiasingMode(IlvAntialiasingMode) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setArcMode(IlvArcMode) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setBackground(IlvColor *c) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setColorPattern(IlvColorPattern *p) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setDefaultItemHeight(IlvDim height, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setEditable(IlBoolean value=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setEnterGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setExclusive(IlBoolean value=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setFillRule(IlvFillRule) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setFillStyle(IlvFillStyle f) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusInCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFocusOutCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setFont(IlvFont *f) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setForeground(IlvColor *c) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setForeignBitmapColumnName(const char *col) | IliDbStringList | |
setGradientPattern(IlvGradientPattern *p) | IlvGadget | virtual |
IlvStringList::setHolder(IlvGraphicHolder *holder) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setItems(IlvGadgetItem *const *items, IlUShort count) | IlvStringList | virtual |
setLabelOffset(IlvDim offset, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setLabelOrientation(IlvOrientation orientation, IlBoolean flip=IlFalse, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setLabelPosition(IlvPosition position, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setLeaveGadgetCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvGadget | |
setLineStyle(IlvLineStyle *style) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setLineWidth(IlUShort style) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setLookFeelHandler(IlvLookFeelHandler *lfh) | IlvGadget | |
setMode(IlvDrawMode m) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setOffset(IlvDim offset) | IlvStringList | |
setOverwrite(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setPalette(IlvPalette *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setPattern(IlvPattern *) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setSelectCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback) | IlvStringList | |
setSelectCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName) | IlvStringList | |
setSelectCallback(IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) | IlvStringList | |
setSelectCallback(IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) | IlvStringList | |
setSelected(IlUShort index, IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvStringList | virtual |
setSelectionLimit(IlShort limit) | IlvStringList | |
setSelectionMode(IlvStringListSelectionMode mode) | IlvStringList | |
setSpacing(IlvDim spacing, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) | IlvStringList | virtual |
setThickness(IlUShort thickness) | IlvGadget | virtual |
setTransparent(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadget | virtual |
showFrame(IlBoolean show) | IlvGadget | virtual |
showLabel(IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
showPicture(IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
sort(IlvListCompareFunction=0) | IlvStringList | virtual |
updateLook() | IlvGadget | virtual |
useDefaultColors() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
useDefaultSize(IlBoolean value) | IlvGadget | virtual |
useFullSelection(IlBoolean value=IlTrue, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) | IlvStringList | |
usesDefaultButtonKeys() const | IlvGadget | virtual |
usesDefaultSize() const | IlvGadget | |
useToolTips(IlBoolean value=IlTrue) | IlvStringList |
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