Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
Data Access Package API Reference Guide

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IliDate Member List

This is the complete list of members for IliDate, including all inherited members.

getFirstYearDayOfMonth() const IliDate
getHour() const IliDate
getMilliseconds() const IliDate
getMinutes() const IliDate
getMonth() const IliDate
getMonthDay() const IliDate
getMonthDaysCount() const IliDate
getQuarter() const IliDate
getSeconds() const IliDate
getWeekDay() const IliDate
getYear() const IliDate
getYearDay() const IliDate
getYearWeek() const IliDate
hasTime() const IliDate
IliDate(IlInt y, IlInt mo, IlInt d, IlInt h=0, IlInt m=0, IlInt s=0)IliDate
IliDate(const IliDate &)IliDate
isDayValid() const IliDate
isLeap() const IliDate
isLeapYear() const IliDate
operator struct tm() const IliDate
operator!=(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator<(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator<=(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator=(const struct tm &t)IliDate
operator=(const IliDate &d)IliDate
operator==(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator>(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator>=(const IliDate &d) const IliDate
operator[](IliDateInfo ndx) const IliDate
read(IL_STDPREF istream &input)IliDate
setHour(IlInt h)IliDate
setMinutes(IlInt m)IliDate
setMonth(IlInt m)IliDate
setMonthDay(IlInt md)IliDate
setSeconds(IlInt s)IliDate
setYear(IlInt y)IliDate
write(IL_STDPREF ostream &output) const IliDate

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