Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Note for Windows Server 2003 / XP / Vista Users
Note for Windows Server 2003 / XP / Vista Users
The libraries are provided in several versions on the Windows® versions that are provided in subdirectories of lib\<system>. This is due to different versions of the run-time system libraries and to the DLL. Each version needs specific compiler flags as described below:
*x86_.net2005_8.0, x86_.net2008_9.0, x64_.net2008_9.0, x86_.net2010_10.0 and x64_.net2010_10.0:
*stat_mta: Static library in multithread with static run-time library using new IOStreams. Flags: /EHsc /GR /MT.
*stat_mda: Static library in multithread with dynamic run-time library using new IOStreams. Flags: /EHsc /GR /MD.
*dll_mda: Dynamic library in multithread with dynamic run-time library using new IOStreams. Flags: /EHsc /GR /MD /DILVDLL (Multithreaded DLL).
1. You must also use the flag /DILJSTDH if you want to use Rogue Wave Script in these modes.
2. You must also link with the system libraries wsock32.lib and imm32.lib.

Version 5.7
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