Welcome to the Rogue Wave Views Component Suite > Setting Up Rogue Wave Views > Setup on UNIX
Setup on UNIX
This procedure explains how to configure Rogue Wave Views on a UNIX® station. You must have on hand the following installation information:
*Installation Directory: Rogue Wave Views components are normally installed in the /usr/roguewave/ directory, including /usr/roguewave/viewsXX (where XX stands for the version number). If you install Rogue Wave Views in another directory, replace subsequent references to the default directory with your actual installation directory.
*System Name: The name of your <system> directory can be found in the README file delivered with the product. For example, x86_rhel5.0_4.1. In the following instructions, replace <system> with your actual system name.
To configure Rogue Wave Views on UNIX, do the following:
1. Set the ILVHOME variable.
The shell variable ILVHOME must be set to the Rogue Wave Views installation directory.
*If you use sh or one of its derivatives, such as ksh or bash, type:
$ ILVHOME=/usr/roguewave/viewsXX
$ export ILVHOME
*If you use csh or tcsh, type:
% setenv ILVHOME /usr/roguewave/viewsXX
2. Set up the shared library path variable.
On most operating systems, the directories containing dynamic libraries must be added to an environment variable: SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX, LIBPATH on AIX®, LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the others.
*If using sh or one of its derivatives, type:
*If using csh or tcsh, and the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not already defined, type:
% setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ILVHOME/lib/<system>
*If using csh or tcsh, and the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already defined, type:
This can be automated by putting the above commands in your shell startup file (either .profile if using sh, or .login if using csh).

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.