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Rogue Wave Views Studio
A ready-to-use version of Rogue Wave® Views Studio, delivered as a binary file called ivfstudio is provided in the studio/<system> directory. Rogue Wave Views Studio is a GUI builder that will help you create and generate Rogue Wave Views applications.
*data/ilviews: contains the data files used by the library (inspector panels, message databases, and so on).
*data/images: contains image data files.
*data/icon: contains some icons.
*data/DCW: contains some DCW-generated files.
*bin: contains binary files, along with source code. The README file in the bin directory explains how to build these binary files. Two useful programs can be built in <ILVHOME>/bin/<system>: ilv2data, which can build a "resource file" that can be linked with your application in order to make it environment-independent. splitdbm, which converts pre-3.0 message databases into the new format, including the new language definition and encoding.
*samples: contains sample files. You can read the README file by clicking here. For each sample, you need to go to the platform directory and run the make utility to build it.
*tools: contains more specific solutions to common problems.

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.