Basic Concepts > Layout Parameters in IlvGraphLayout > Allowed Time
Allowed Time
Several layout algorithms can be designed to stop computation when a user-defined time specification is exceeded. This may be done for different reasons: as a security measure to avoid a long computation time on very large graphs or as an upper limit for algorithms that iteratively improve a current solution and have no other criteria to stop the computation.
Rogue Wave Views allows you to specify the allowed time:
void IlvGraphLayout::setAllowedTime(IlvRuntimeType time)
To obtain the current value, use the method:
IlvRuntimeType IlvGraphLayout::getAllowedTime() const
If you subclass IlvGraphLayout, use the following call to know whether the specified time was exceeded:
IlBoolean IlvGraphLayout::isLayoutTimeElapsed() const
The time is in seconds. The default value is 32.0 seconds.
To indicate whether a subclass of IlvGraphLayout supports this mechanism, the following method is provided:
IlBoolean IlvGraphLayout::supportsAllowedTime() const
The default implementation returns IlFalse. A subclass can override this method to return IlTrue to indicate that this mechanism is supported.

Version 5.7
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