Additional Features > Testing the Application
Testing the Application
The final operation is to test the application that you have created. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Choose <Application> from the Window menu in the Main window. The application buffer is displayed.
2. Click the Test button in the Main window toolbar.
The Control window you created appears. The other windows do not appear, since you made them invisible upon launching when you added each of them to the application.
3. Choose a window from the Panels menu in the test Control window.
The window you chose appears.
4. Choose Quit in the File menu or use the accelerator keys Ctrl+Q.
The application test windows disappear.
Generating the Application
Depending on the language(s) used to code the application logic, there are two ways to deliver a running application:
*If the application uses only Rogue Wave Script and predefined callbacks, the application runner can be used to run the application. It is located at:
This program accepts the name of an application .iva file as an argument:
runner <application>.iva
By default it shows, along with the visible panels of the application, a small window containing an “exit” button. The -noexitpanel option can be used to prevent this window from being shown:
runner -noexitpanel <application>.iva
*If the application also contains C++ callbacks, you need to generate C++ source files for the application and for each panel class. Then compile and link the application program using a C++ compiler. For more information see the chapter on generating code in the Rogue Wave Views Controls User's Manual.

Version 5.7
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