Setting Up Data Access > Data Access Installation and Configuration > Data Access and the Packages
Data Access and the Packages
To use Data Access, you must install the “Foundation” and “Gadget” Views packages and Rogue Wave® Views DB Link product. To use other optional packages with Data Access, you must install the relevant Rogue Wave Views packages:
*Rogue Wave Views DB Link for SQL
*Rogue Wave Views Grapher package
*Rogue Wave Views Gantt package for Gantt charts
*Rogue Wave Views compatibility Package for old charts
*Rogue Wave Views Charts package
System Name
Before you continue reading, you should determine the name of your system. You can find it in the README file delivered with the product. For example, if you are using a Sun Ultra Sparc 32 bit Solaris 8.x with C++ 6.2, your system name is ultrasparc32_8_6.2.
In the sections that follow, replace the strings <system> and <subsystem> in commands and directory names with your actual system and subsystem names.
System Environments
The next three sections show how to install Rogue Wave® Views in these different environments:
*Windows XP
*Windows Vista
Since the sections are independent, you can go directly to the one that applies to you.

Version 5.7
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