SQL Schema Editor > Other Features
Other Features
In addition to creating new tables in the database, you can also edit the data in a table or remove a table from the database.
Deleting a Database Table
To remove a table from the database:
1. Ensure that you are connected to the database.
2. Select the table that you want to remove from the database in the SQL Table list.
3. Click the Drop selected table button to drop the table.
4. A confirmation dialog appears for each table to be deleted.
Editing a Database Table
To edit the data in a table:
1. Ensure that you are connected to the database.
2. Select the table that you want to edit in the SQL Table List.
3. Click the Edit data of the selected table button to edit the table.
4. A window appears showing the table with all the data. You can edit the data in the table or add new data to the table in the same way as you do in a table gadget.
5. When you have finished editing the data for your table, click the Close button.

Version 5.7
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