Overview > General Procedures > How to Edit an Application
How to Edit an Application
This section provides a general description of how to edit an application. For more detailed information on how to carry out the processes involved, see the Rogue Wave Views Controls User’s Manual.
An Application buffer can be edited within the Main window work space. Use the Panel Class palette, which is displayed at the bottom of the Main window, to edit an application.
The Panel Class Palette
Using the Panel Class palette, you can do the following:
*Create a new panel class for the current buffer.
*Remove an existing panel class (the selected panel class).
*Inspect a panel class (the selected panel class).
*Create a new panel instance in an application by dragging the selected panel class into the application buffer.
Once an instance of a panel class instance has been created in the Application buffer, you can inspect it, test it, minimize it, and manipulate it in the same way as a normal window.
Testing an Application
When the current buffer is your application buffer, all the panels of the application can be tested with the Test button. A window is opened for each of the visible panel instances in the application.
Code Generation
The following options in the Application menu allow you to generate your code:
*Generate—Only the application class files and panel classes that have changed and have not yet been saved.
*Generate All—All files for the application: application file (.iva), panel files (.ilv), header files (.h), source files (.cc), and make file.
*Generate Application—Only the application file (.iva).
*Generate Panel Class—Only the current panel class file (.ilv).
*Generate Makefile—Only the make file.
*Generate Panel Subclass—Only the panel subclass file (.ilv).

Version 5.7
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