Overview > What is Data Access
What is Data Access
Data Access is a Rogue Wave® Views graphic-based environment that is dedicated to building SQL database client-server applications. Through the use of data-source-aware gadgets and other features, Data Access greatly reduces coding requirements. Basically, Data Access internally creates the SQL statements based upon the screen operations you perform and then sends these statements to your database management system (DBMS). The DBMS then implements the code in the database, with the resulting data being displayed in the GUI you have built.
The heart of Data Access is the data source, which allows you to create tables in a local data cache based on values taken from the database tables or other sources. You can then perform operations with the data with a user-friendly graphical user interface to provide selection and display criteria.
Through the Rogue Wave Views Studio GUI editor, Data Access supplies various data-source-aware gadgets for displaying data and provides powerful application-building and panel-creation features. By making use of its C++ class library—and the extensive library of Rogue Wave Views—Data Access provides you with scores of objects you can use with your database applications as well as the means for their handling and display.

Version 5.7
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