Rogue Wave Views Data Access Common Framework > Handling Values in Data Access > Data Types > Formatting an IliValue Object
Formatting an IliValue Object
An IliValue object can be formatted using the format member function. This is shown in the following example:
IliString stringBuf;
IliFormat fmt(“#,##0.00 Yens”);
IliValue value = 5.677;
value.format(stringBuf, fmt);
IlvPrint(“Price: %s”, (const char*)stringBuf);
You can also use the getFormatted member function, which does not require an IliString parameter to store the result. An example is shown in the following code:
IliFormat fmt(“#,##0.00 Yens”);
IliValue value = 5.677;
const char* result = value.getFormatted(fmt);
IlvPrint(“Price: %s, result);
Note that the getFormatted member function returns its result in a static character buffer. This result must therefore be used immediately after the call.

Version 5.7
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