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IliSQLDataSource Menus
The SQL Data Source inspector panel has two menus:
File Menu
Menu Items
Displays the SQL Data Source Properties dialog box.
View Source...
Displays the Source dialog box.
Closes the SQL Data Source inspector panel.
Query Menu
Menu Items
Add Tables...
If not connected to a database, displays the Connect dialog box. If connected, displays the Select Tables dialog box.
Edit Table...
Displays a Table Definition dialog box that lets you
change the table title and the owner name.
Remove Table...
Removes selected table in FROM section.
You can also use the Delete key.
Synchronize Table with Database...
Updates the selected database table representation
in the FROM section to the data source.
Optionally, updates the data source columns
in the SELECT section. The information updates
are structural. Displays the Differences dialog box
if the data source table has changed.
Synchronize All Tables With Database...
Updates all database table representations in the
FROM section to the data source. Optionally, updates
the data source columns in the SELECT section.
The information updates are structural.
Displays the Differences dialog box if the
data source table has changed.
Append Column
Adds a column to the right of the existing columns.
Insert Column
Inserts a column to the left of the selected column.
Delete Column...
Removes the selected column.
You can also use the Delete key.
Edit Join...
Displays an Edit Join Table dialog box
to select the type of join. A join operation
only concerns lines selected in the FROM section.
Inactive if no join line is selected.
Delete Join...
Displays a Question dialog box to confirm
the deletion of a join operation whose line is selected
in the FROM section. Inactive if no join line is selected.
You can also use the Delete key.

Version 5.7
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