Rogue Wave Views Data Access Common Framework > Data Access Basics > Rogue Wave Views Interface > Callbacks
The behavior of a gadget can be customized by defining a callback function and attaching this function to one of the callback types that the gadget is able to trigger.
At the bottom of the Rogue Wave Views Studio main window, you will find a callback field that lets you define the primary callback of the selected gadget. There are, however, other callback types available with certain gadget classes. These other callback types can generally be defined through the last page of the various gadget inspectors. (The only exception is the SQL Data Source inspector where the callbacks panel is accessed through the Callbacks item in the Tools menu.)
Note that a check box lets you choose whether the callback is coded in Rogue Wave Script or C++.
The callback types that are supported by each gadget class are described in the Rogue Wave Views and Data Access Reference Manuals. Additional information for classes specific to Data Access can be found in the rest of this manual.

Version 5.7
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