Using the Charts Library > Interacting with Charts > Using the Chart Interactors > Select-Data-Points Interactor
Select-Data-Points Interactor
A select-data-points interactor allows the user to select data points in the data display area. It has the following basic characteristics:
Registered name
Inherits from
Key or Button
Left mouse button
Allows the user to select data by clicking a
projected point in the data display area and
then to trigger an action on the selected data
The mouse button used to perform the selection is the left mouse button by default. However, this button can be changed by passing another button as a parameter to the constructor of the selection interactor.
When the user clicks a projected data point for the first time, all the data points of the data set to which the projected point belongs are selected. These data points are marked as selected with markers by default. When the user clicks one of the selected data points in this data set again, only the corresponding data point is then selected. This data point is marked as selected with a marker by default. The graphic objects drawn to mark data points as selected can be redefined in a subclass.
No action is specified by default. The user has to specify by hand the action to be triggered whenever data are selected or deselected. This action is set by means of the setAction method. The action should be of the type IlvChartSelectInteractor::Action:
typedef void (* Action )(IlvChartGraphic* chart,
IlvAbstractChartDisplayer* disp,
IlvChartDataSet* dataSet,
IlvUInt pointIndex,
IlvBoolean select);

Version 5.7
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