Using Charts with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Introducing Charts in Rogue Wave Views Studio > Using the Chart Inspector > Displayers Page
Displayers Page
The Displayers page lets you define and handle the displayers (that is, the graphical representations) that will be used to represent data in the current chart.
Figure 1.6    Chart Inspector: Displayers Page
On this page, you can do the following:
*Add or remove displayers.
*Select or change the type of a given displayer and enter or change its corresponding parameters.
*Check or uncheck the data set(s) that will be displayed by a given displayer.
To access the information related to a given displayer (that is, the type of the displayer, the corresponding parameters, and the data set(s) that will be displayed by the displayer), the displayer must be selected in the Displayers list that shows the defined displayers (top left of the page).
Note: All the displayer types can be used no matter whether the type of the coordinate system in which the data are expressed is Cartesian or polar (except for the pie displayer that can only be used with a polar coordinate system). The type of the coordinate system appears on the Projection page since the type of the projection that is specified depends on the type of the coordinate system in which the data are expressed.

Version 5.7
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