Using Charts with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Introducing Charts in Rogue Wave Views Studio > Launching Rogue Wave Views Studio with the Charts Extension
Launching Rogue Wave Views Studio with the Charts Extension
To launch Rogue Wave® Views Studio with the Charts extension, do the following:
1. Go to the directory $ILVHOME/studio/<system> of the Rogue Wave® Views distribution.
2. Type ivfstudio -selectPlugins.
3. A window appears listing the available plug-ins.
4. Check Charts and any other plug-ins you may want to use.
Note: If you want to construct an application with Rogue Wave Views Studio and, in particular, have access to the Test mode, you also need to check the GUI Application plug-in.
5. Click OK to validate and launch Rogue Wave Views Studio with the plug-ins you have selected.

Version 5.7
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