Gantt Chart Functionalities > Gantt Interactors
Gantt Interactors
The Gantt package provides a set of interactors that allow users to manipulate the components or the data of the Gantt chart.
Select and Move Interactors
*IlvGanttSelectInteractor allows users to select and move Gantt lines, nodes, and subnodes. It can also be used to select Gantt links.
*IlvGanttHandleInteractor allows users to resize the grapher views of the Gantt chart.
Creation Interactors
*IlvGanttAddNodeInteractor allows users to add Gantt nodes and breaks.
*IlvGanttAddLinkInteractor allows users to add Gantt links.
*IlvGanttDragDropInteractor allows users to duplicate Gantt subnodes between grapher views.
Zoom Interactors
*IlvGanttPanZoomInteractor allows users to use the left button to pan, and use the middle button or the mouse wheel to zoom the grapher views.
*IlvGanttScaleInteractor allows users to zoom with the IlvRectangularScale(s) of the Gantt chart.
*IlvGanttZoomInteractor allows users to zoom the manager views of the Gantt chart.

Version 5.7
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